At Krusinski Construction, we believe in the importance of training, continuing education, and providing our associates with resources to expand their skills and abilities. But equally as important is our mission to offer that practice beyond our full-time staff and through summer internships. Qualified collegiate students with an interest in the construction industry get real-time industry exposure and practice.
To get a glimpse of what interning at KCC is like and get to know one particular intern on a deeper level, we sat down with – Joe Krusinski IV – “Joey” – pictured alongside his dad, Senior Project Manager, Joe Krusinski III.
So who is Joey?
Currently a senior at Saint Norbert College in Wisconsin, Joey is pursuing a degree in Accounting. He recently completed his third continuous summer at KCC as an intern in our accounting department and has plans to attend graduate school after graduation. Joe saw Krusinski Construction as a place to gain positive work experience while being able to make a strong impact on the department with the knowledge he brought from school.
As an intern, Joey worked closely with our senior accountant and accounting manager. He helped with bank reconciliations and managing key communications between our office and remote accounting team.
What’s unique about Joey’s experience at Krusinski Construction is that he became the first ‘Third Generation’ Krusinski member to get exposure to the family business that his grandfather, KCC Chairman, Joe Krusinski Sr., founded in 1973.
The oldest of his siblings and cousins, he began learning about construction at a young age. Growing up, Joey saw a side to the construction industry that no one else saw. He watched projects go from drawings to completion, learned about the different stages in the building process, and got to see his family business successfully grow and expand nationally. Being a part of the next generation of Krusinskis, Joey chose Krusinski Construction as the employer he wanted to intern at to continue the tradition while growing his personal career in Accounting. He saw the internship program as a robust, challenging experience in a welcoming and engaging environment. Speaking highly about the welcoming environment, Joey preached he “loved the way going to work made him feel.”
As his siblings and cousins grow up, he hopes to see them enter the family business and “have similar opportunities to learn about the company and put the lessons learned in school to the test through real-world applications”.
Thank you for your help, Joey! We look forward to seeing where the future takes you.