We are excited to announce today that Facebook is joining the DeKalb community and will be building our newest data center here. The Facebook DeKalb Data Center will be among the most advanced, energy- and water-efficient data center facilities in the world, delivering an estimated 100 operational jobs and hundreds of construction jobs.
Due to COVID-19 limitations, we are announcing the groundbreaking with a video featuring Governor JB Pritzker, Mayor Smith, and some notable DeKalb landmarks.
This 907,000 square foot facility, the 12th Facebook data center in the U.S., will be supported by 100% renewable energy, will use 80% less water than the average data center, and, once completed, will be LEED Gold certified. As one of the largest data centers in Illinois, the Facebook DeKalb Data Center will accelerate opportunities for the community to attract skilled jobs, while increasing the northwest region’s competitive digital edge.
Facebook is partnering with the City of DeKalb, Illinois, the Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District, and Krusinski Construction Company to help design, build and provide support for infrastructure in the area. This includes nearly three miles of water lines, one and a half miles of sewer extension and repaving local roads.
Hundreds of construction workers will work onsite for several years. We will be hiring for data center jobs including technicians, engineers, construction management, facility managers, logistics professionals, and security personnel.
Mortenson Construction was selected as the general contractor for our DeKalb Data Center. The site will employ an estimated 1,200 construction and trades at the project’s peak. More information will be available about jobs and subcontractors on their website. For more information, follow our DeKalb Data Center page on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/DeKalbDataCenter.
Thank you to the City of DeKalb, Illinois, the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation - DCEDC, the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity and all of our other partners. Over the coming years, Facebook will continue to work on the foundational technologies needed to bring the world closer together—and the DeKalb Data Center will be an essential part of that.
What People Are Saying -
• “There are many variables that enter into the decision process for data center locations, and DeKalb provided many compelling reasons for Facebook to bring our newest data center to Illinois,” said Rachel Peterson, Vice President of Data Center Strategy for Facebook. “We’re so thankful to the City of DeKalb, the DeKalb County Economic Development Corporation, the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, and all of our community partners for their diligence and enthusiasm throughout this process. We are proud to join the DeKalb community and look forward to a strong relationship for years to come.”
• “This new state-of-the-art data center will advance the State of Illinois’s commitment to growing technology and renewable energy throughout our state,” said Acting Director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), Michael Negron. “Under Governor Pritzker’s leadership, more companies continue to make Illinois a destination – based on the talent of our people, access to education and amenities, and our continued investments to modernize shared infrastructure. We thank Facebook for the vote of confidence in DeKalb and the State of Illinois, and for investments today that will create high-paying jobs for our communities tomorrow.”
• “Today, we’re proud to celebrate that DeKalb will be Facebook’s newest home,” said Jerry Smith, Mayor of DeKalb. “It’s a boon to our community, and once online, this data center will be part of a network that connects people all over the world. We hope that the ripple effect of Facebook’s decision will be a catalyst for more companies to see all that DeKalb and this region have to offer.”
• “We are very excited to welcome Facebook to ChicagoWest Business Center in DeKalb, Illinois after having collaborated closely with Facebook’s project team in this complex process,” said Krusinski Construction Company CEO, Jerry Krusinski. “Krusinski Construction Company is looking forward to building the utility infrastructure and road work improvements necessary to facilitate this project and Facebook’s future growth at ChicagoWest Business Center.”